Last year I created a method to divide my unread books by categories (fiction, non-fiction, spirituality, self-help, art).
Recently I’ve taken a different approach (most likely because we got an ebook reader, which made the entire world’s library easily accessible).
I’ve started sorting my to-read list by era:
- Ancient – Older than 500 years old
- Almost Modern – 1492 to 1776
- Modern – 1776-1945
- Contemporary – 1945 onward.
When I wrote the first draft, the reading list was:
- Bhagavad Gita (1000 BCE)
- Journey to the West (1592)
- Walden (1854)
- Oranges (1975), The Tao is Silent (1977), and a couple photography monographs
I had a sneaking suspicion that something might change, but I thought this loose structure was another good way to create a cross-section through my library.
Unfortunately, something did change. Since August, I’ve become obsessed (addicted) to an online implementation of the card game Magic the Gathering. Naturally, this has drastically reduced my reading time. I may need to quit that habit so I can go back to my old ways. Maybe an entertainment diet is in order for the new year.