written snapshots

Category: Artifacts

  • 6 Swords

    Alt text: A black ink sketch on lined paper with an purple six armed sharp thingy with a central donut hole rimmed with golden trim.  Colorful peanuts and pecans accompany the beast, interspersed with little yellow pennants and brown squiggles.  A light blue swirl floats on the eastern border while a squadron of red marshmallows marches south on the west side.

    Black ink (Flair Pen) drawing in a yellow steno pad. Collaboration with with the kids. Colored in Pixlr.

    I’ve got a few too many projects in my mind, and one of them is to draw my own tarot deck as part of the #weekendweirdness hashtag on Post (someone else started it, but I’m the lone torchbearer at the moment).

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox, Roald Dahl, 1970, & Wes Anderson, 2009

    She enjoyed the trailer and this is one of her favorites from the Roald Dahl book set. We gave it a whirl on New Year’s Eve.

    The girl closed 2022 by learning the hard truth that adaptations distort beloved stories. She expressed her dismay throughout the viewing. Expecting fidelity is a surefire path to disappointment.

    I hadn’t read the book, so I thought it was fine. It was a welcome respite from the current Pixar aesthetic. The story and characters had a delightful edge (which Disney studiously avoids). I haven’t watched Wes Anderson before, but I now grok his reputation. I’d watch him again.

    After the kids went to bed, I read the book. It’s a fun, quiet story. I get why my daughter felt let down.

    We discussed it further on New Year’s Day —

    The director added all that stuff to fill a 90 minute movie.

    But why did he make these changes?

    Those are plot devices to manufacture tension.

    Were they necessary? The book was better.

    I agree, but the mass market demands more excitement in their movies.

    As a father, it hurts to feel her sense of betrayal. Then again, she’s embarking upon lifetime of disappointing movie adaptations.

    Best that we got the initial shock out of the way, last year.


    last night
    she reread

    still prefers
    the source

  • Happy New Year!

    Kids are off to bed and I’m enjoying a quiet pre-midnight indulgence.

    Not sure I’ll make it to the big 0:00.

    Here’s to next year!

    a photograph of wood table with a thin can San Pellegrino Limonata flavored sparkling drink,  Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark Square wrapper, and an iPhone playing Waltz for Debby by the Bill Evans Trio.  “Happy 2023” is written in magenta on the left side of the image
  • I didn’t even get a hug before he left.

    Mamma called out bedtime.
    He rushed into our bedroom to say goodnight.

    He picked up the bright red foam roller,
    Tipped it onto one end,
    Stood on his tippy toes,
    Rested his forehead top of the new column.
    And circumambulated around this monument a few times.

    He sauntered out to play with his sister.

    avoid forest deep
    prince and princess
    stone pillar at home

  • When two is bad, three is good, especially because numbers are fluid at four.

    We gave them a trio of Lego City Stuntz Bikes —
    A little push and they zip across the room!

    Forcing a teachable moment last night,
    I channeled my inner Mommy,
    Motorcycles are very dangerous. Never ride one. They’re bad!

    The boy ran up with a smile,
    Holding a two wheeled toy,
    These are tricycles!


    contemplate life
    don’t ride that varmint
    no error

  • The boy shifted narratives as blocks swapped colors on the pixelated sculpt.

    We built the Lego T-Rex from last year.
    Couldn’t find the right piece for his lower jaw.

    A yellow piece was the correct shape.
    The dinosaur has gold teeth!

    I found the green piece.
    He just cleaned his mouth!

    if it fits

  • Day 2 of the New Year.

    My lower-back!

    I crawled out of bed and across the room.
    Tried to stretch it out.
    Definitely not exercising today.
    Watched YouTube videos to distract from the pain.
    (Breaking two of my five rules on the second day!)

    No clue what happened.
    A twinge showed up yesterday.
    No cause, no incident.
    Nothing stupid — not even negligent inactivity.

    The mid-40’s hath bestowed a mystery ailment upon mine body!

    Now what?


    in small
    perseverance furthers

    extreme care
    might avoid

    advantage through inaction

    or fortune with quick action

    which path?
    something? nothing?
    how do I determine
    Habara gani?

  • The boy masticated the masticated mass of masticated fiber until a deep green extract stained his lips and juice dripped down his chin.

    He’s at the phase where food goes down slowly.
    Never refuses to eat the meal.
    (The consequences would be dire)
    Just sits at the table for hours,
    Chewing and chewing.
    Especially veggies.





    Momma called downstairs
    他吃完了吗?(Is he done yet?)

    Sister yelled back
    No! He’s kale-ing!


    the calf will not swallow
    the kid did not sow
    the buck does not fry

  • Eight years of not-believing in Santa was enough!

    You adults have no imagination. Maybe he exists after all!

    She threatened to write a letter to Santa.
    It’s for his eyes only!
    I couldn’t read it.

    But then she’s eight.
    Didn’t get around to it.
    Or so I thought.

    The morning after Christmas,
    I found a folded piece of paper under computer,
    She wrote it after all!

    We guessed right.
    She got everything but the candy canes.
    Mama maybe forgot those on purpose.

    hidden potential

  • Twig Monster

    Black ink (Flair Pen) drawing in a steno pad. Friday Night Collaboration with with the kids. Colored in Pixlr.