written snapshots

Category: Artifacts

  • Zooleretto, Michael Schacht, 2007

    I played Zooloretto at my first game night at Jim and Troung’s house.
    Just OK.

    But who can deny a giant panda on the cover?

    So I bought it as my birthday present.
    We played it once according to the rules.

    Then they constructed a massive mega zoo in the playroom,
    Filled the pens with animals.
    Lego people visited Zoo.


    Zooleretto is a good game, deserving of the SDJ. I prefer the conceptual purity of Coloretto but now appreciate the purposeful complexity provided by additions to the original engine. She still dislikes competitive games. Maybe they will enjoy it in a few years.

  • She waited all weekend to give us this performance.

    Last night, the girl staged a production of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

    The actors were stuffed animals.
    The props were toys and furniture from around the house.
    (The porridge were tins filled with Lincoln Logs).

    She advertised it with handdrawn posters around the house.
    Before the performance, we stood in line and surfed our phones.

    The good old days.

    What we will do when we re-enter the world?

    thus the superior man stirs up the people
    and strengthens their spirit

  • I’ve often critized Zooloretto against its more elegant progenitor, but Coloretto could have never given us this.

    Last night, we played a boardgame.
    The game ran twice as long as it should.

    The boy melted down a couple of times.
    (He was overtired.)

    The girl won.
    (When you throw out his inflated score).

    I lost miserably.
    Actually, I was #WINNING.


    success thru what is small

  • The boy played with each tool in the box while I fought the rusted gasket.

    We changed the kitchen faucet.

    Took some effort.
    And WD40.

    Should have just swapped out the cartridge.
    But this has a sensor.

    The kids love it.
    $76 for a new toy from Home Depot.

    Not counting the afternoon under the sink.


    the great man changes like a tiger

  • Did I get more skilled or more cavilier?

    Two years ago, I finished the first draft of the state’s biennial cost estimates.

    It was the most intense effort in my career.
    During a novel pandemic.

    Exhausted. The morning after. Eating breakfast alone. I wept.

    A release.

    This afternoon, I press send and chase the kids around the house.


    going leads to obstructions
    coming leads to great good fortune

  • Spirographs without the pesky gears!

    The kids filled the green dump truck with water.
    They dipped river rocks and spun them on the concrete.

    A tight pattern for a triangular puddle.
    A loose pattern traced the outline of a flower.
    A stone rolled down to the lawn, leaving a calligrapher’s trail.

    Wet lines in the harsh sunlight.


    inner truth
    pigs and fishes
    good fortune

  • The bass is most visceral when it emanates through your body.

    Pick a Celtic tune on the ukulele.
    Bend notes on a harmonica.

    He directs me to dance on the rug,
    While he bangs on our djembe.

    creates number and measure
    and examines the nature of virtue and correct conduct

  • He wasn’t serious until time ran out.

    Grandma had enough.
    She gave him a deadline.
    He dithered.

    Toys were exiled to the garage.
    Wailing and crying.

    The playroom is clean.


    spying about with sharp eyes
    like a tiger with insatiable craving

  • The delicate line between prosaic and disaster is normally imperceptible.

    An adult placed dumbells on the half wall.
    Both of them rolled off.

    The boy was on the other side of the wall.
    Watching me work.

    I grabbed his arm.
    And gave him a hug.

    limitation. success.

  • Winning rarely looks like victory.

    Weekend didn’t go as planned.

    The girl didn’t finish her homework.
    So they didn’t open my birthday presents.

    Listening to self help podcasts sapped my joy.
    (A bad habit)

    But I culled my podcasts and newsletters,

    (only saved info at least 20 years old or will be relevant 20 years hence)

    Finished work ahead of a deadline.

    Cleaned up a little.

    Went hiking.
    Watched burros.


    before the starting point three days
    after the starting point three days