written snapshots

Category: Artifacts

  • A tower of creatures dominated the horizon of his long journey home.

    Seven floors of stuffed animals are sandwiched between slabs of plastic container lids held up by toilet paper roll columns.

    More rolls top the penthouse for an outsized gable.

    This pagoda is flanked by a pavilion of paper towel tubes topped with a pink throw pillow.

    There’s a party on this puffy roof deck.


    Success through smallness

  • The baby paunch gradually vanished as he grew enough to see himself.

    This evening, my wife cut his hair.

    A bit longer on top, shorter on the sides.

    A crew cut emerged from the mop.

    He aged three months in twenty minutes.


    Thus the superior man of devoted character
    Heaps up small things
    in order to achieve something high and great

  • I wonder if the landscape rocks appreciated the sudden moisture.

    “爸爸后院没有 toilet 我站起来做 peepee”

    “Daddy, there’s no toilet in the backyard, I’m going to stand and pee”.

    His pants dropped to the ankles, the hip pushed forward and let it fly.

    Because we never go out, I worried about his lack of practice in standing urniation.

    As with most parenting concerns, it’s a non-issue.

    The boy should be less bombastic, but he’s figured out the routine.

    They always do.


    Flying dragon in the heavens. It furthers one to see the great man.

  • The Papermate Flairs were jealous at the return of an old flame.

    Stumble across a Pelikan in a box of old papers.
    (bought the fountain pen after finishing college.)

    Give it a rinse and reload.
    (the ink is also two decades old.)

    Writes smooth, better than I remembered.
    (not the wisest use of $300, but a nice gift from my past self.)

    Wonder what he’d think if we crossed paths.
    (I’m exactly twice his age.)


    It Profits To be Steadfast.
    A Destination Profits.

  • The plethora of books heightened the pain of losing just one.


    A few days ago (we surmise), the boy spilled water onto the nightstand and the books below.

    By now, several books have dried together.

    The old Hagar the Horrible pocket paperback was destroyed. Black mold.

    The enormity strikes the boy when he sees the warped covers of his favorite book.

    Chicka chicka … BOOM! BOOM!


    There is a fish in the tank. No blame.

  • Filling pastel cells in Excel overwhelmed the artist with sublime joy.

    I spent the day tweaking retirement projections.

    The spreadsheet continuously implied new ways to spreadsheet.

    Embodied numbers demanded exponential reanalysis.

    You are the unit of measurement.


    Shock comes — oh, oh!
    Laughing words — ha, ha!

  • They flapped stubby wings, marched around the room, and sang the song of the high-low bird.

    My wife asked, “Did you steal the hexagon crackers?”
    <crunch, crunch>

    The boy sauntered into the kitchen.

    I’d already cleaned the table.


    There is game in the field. It furthers one to catch it.

  • The boy told to his sister “I want to be the first dog.”

    The tablet rang on the on a stool beside his table.

    The boy paused the playdough to answer.

    Sister is studying Chinese with mom.

    Grandma asked him to tell the girl call back.


    He hung up.


    Nero’s Aqueduct in Rome (ca. 1809–1812) by Joseph August Knip.


    You’re never there to give a speech. You’re there to communicate with your audience.

    from “One or a Thousand” in How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds – or Less, by Milo O. Frank



    Return to the way, How could there be blame in this?

  • At dinner, he recalled an appointment before realizing it had been scheduled for last Tuesday.

    I wasn’t in a playful mood after dinner.

    The boy drew at his desk.
    He drew a yellow circle with a giant smile.

    Then we read a book.
    That one with the big spider.

    We read it again.
    And a book about the solar system (when Pluto was still a planet).

    He returned to the desk.

    He drew a blob with two arms.
    He called it a birthday card.
    He added “d a d – e d” in giant letters.

    Six weeks early. Just in time.


    Pianist and Singer (1928) by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner.


    A river is, in its essence, a thing that branches.

    James Gleick in Nature’s Chaos



    A white horse comes as if on wings.

  • The pointlessness of his planning was only matched by the peril of never planning ahead.

    I built a spreadsheet to squint at the future.

    Lovely projections,
    Until the next recession,
    Hyper inflation,
    Or a bust among the premises I blindly assumed.

    I’ll realize the error after it’s too late.

    But, today, I had fun.


    Assembled from three black and white negatives by the Image Processing Lab at Jet Propulsion Laboratory.


    but wouldn’t it be better to sit still
    and let the Way be your offering?

    from “62” in the Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu (transl. Ursula K. Le Guin)


    Water flows on interruptedly and reaches its goal