written snapshots

Category: Penny Delights

  • Lilly the Fox, Dog Digger, and Boogerbooger celebrated their unbirthdays.

    We squatted around an upside down wicker basket, filled a watering can, and found three easter egg halves.

    Picked leaves for vegetables.
    Grabbed rocks for plates, small ones for biscuits.
    Pulled grass for seaweed tea.

    Tea party.


    flying dragon in the heavens

  • Those things never helped them sleep.

    We lost the mobiles
    but kept the music boxes.

    He pulled them out

    while she studied Chinese with Grandma.

    A pleasant dissonance,
    two metallic tunes,
    one at each ear.


    the wild goose gradually draws near the tree

  • The boy speaks in first letters.



    He whispered “D – O – G – H”


    “dog house!”

    He glanced at the sheet draped between the sofa and the coffee table.


    following has supreme success
    perseverance furthers

  • The little man can concentrate.

    He found a dustpan and a broom.

    And thought it would be fun to sweep up leaves in the side yard.

    At first with his sister, then by himself.

    Quietly filling the compost bin.

    thus in all his transactions the superior man
    carefully considers the beginning

  • Maybe this will convince them to learn how to swim next summer.

    She wanted to try Marco Polo.

    But our pool is too small.

    So we used the Master Bedroom.

    Hiding in plain sight, walking around Marco.

    Except him — he walk right towards us, eyes barely closed.

    Or should I say, barely open?


    After writing this draft, we swam in the pool.
    With such a small pool, the rounds were short, so we played many times.
    When she was Marco, I hid behind him.
    And this time, he didn’t pretend to shut his eyes.

  • I see eight brocades in my future.

    Boy wet the bed.
    So I slept on the floor on a camping mat.

    Quickly fell asleep.
    Quickly snapped awake with a crimp in the neck.

    Barely slept.
    A long weekend as a robot!


    perseverance brings good fortune
    no remorse

  • Standing at the craft table, he peered intently into marks of the past.

    He wrote a book report.

    Started with the title page.

    ClARion BOOKS
    HOUGhMiFFin co

    I suggest he copy some of the actual text.

    He refused.

    Added !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, drew a few lines across the page, and ran off.


  • We did our good deed in the morning.

    We neglected to take down the nets after harvesting the peaches.
    So the tree caught two birds.

    Thankfully, we freed them both.
    We’ve never been so close to birds before.

    It took some unwrapping and untangling to get the hummingbird loose.
    He flew up towards the neighbor’s eucalyptus tree.

    We had to cut the net to free the little bird with a yellow head.
    She raced out into the dense apple tree.

    I rolled up the nets.


    the jug is broken and leaks

  • St. Thomas Aquinas, G. K. Chesterton, 1933

    Nowadays, books advise, report, analyze, or condemn.
    But they don’t proselytize.
    They don’t announce their beliefs and then push you to agree.

    So this was a fun change of pace.

    It starts with a biography, and the second half discusses his foundational philosophy.
    Aquinas is positioned as the stable centrist in the chaos of modern thought.
    Balanced between individuals and ideals.
    Respects the object and its perception.
    Rooted in realism.
    A common sense approach to philosophy.

    Is it accurate? Maybe?
    This book has survived almost ninety years.

    Not that it’ll convert me to Catholicism.
    But Chesterton made the religion a lot more attractive than before.


    I listened to it one and a half times, since I went over the second half twice.
    Chesterton’s ranging wit in British English was a delight.

    It was a joy to hear him wrestling to simplify non-obvious concepts.

  • The living room floor was covered in drying dates.

    He tried to walk the 2×3 balance beam.

    He needed a hand.

    Then he told me to try.

    He gave me a hand.


    sublime and enduring perseverance is needed
    then remorse disappears