written snapshots

Category: Penny Delights

  • The green chair conducted a sonata with the plastic jack-o-lantern.

    Translucent white tape covered the vitamin jar.

    Rings of tape banded the table legs.

    The seat was covered in florets of tape.

    The back had two balls of tape

    And a big white smile.


    Ancient Bath near the Fountains of the Palici from Views in the Ottoman Dominions, in Europe, in Asia, and some of the Mediterranean islands (1810) illustrated by Luigi Mayer (1755-1803).


    Once your objective is clear – once you know why – you can begin to prepare your message. Balance everything you plan to say against your objective.

    from “Your Objective” in How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds – or Less, by Milo O. Frank


  • The pair of eyes animate the cubish blob.

    It’s a short walk between the stairs and the kitchen.

    A row of lego creatures lined the path.

    Behind them, our cohort of our stuffed animals stood at attention.

    I salute the honor guard and slink towards the snacks.


    Five flamingos (1892) by Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof.


    [The sentence]
    It names the world, using the actual names the world already contains.
    Perhaps it renames the world.
    And this is only the beginning.

    from Several short sentences about writing by Verlyn Klinkenborg


  • She called the bull a donkey.

    My dad bought a new touchscreen computer.
    Today’s zoom call was filled with caricatures on a digital whiteboard.
    He drew mice, then a cat.
    My daughter caged the cat.
    The boy asked for a bear.
    My dad drew the head; she added the body.
    A racing dog and a silly elephant.
    An angry bull and a gorilla.
    A fish with a cavernous jaw facing a squiggly worm.
    The girl hooked the worm with a fishing line but changed her mind.
    She dressed the worm and fish in dark suits with red ties.
    She gave them a computer.
    My dad added a mouse, with two buttons.

    I did the same at her age.
    On rice paper.
    A black cotton ball with a beak and claws in front of a brood of chicks.


    Three carps by Ohara Koson (1877-1945).


    Rule a big country
    the way you cook a small fish.

    from “60” in the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu (transl. Ursula K. Le Guin)

  • She offered three meager slices of homemade organic sourdough bread.

    A ravenous flock pursued us on the lawn.

    We fled.

    She was his age, last time we fed the ducks.

    Today, the waterfowl waited patiently in the pond.

    They’ve learned manners over the pandemic.


    Mallard male (Anas platyrhynchos) illustrated by the von Wright brothers in the 1929 folio version of Svenska Fåglar Efter Naturen Och Pa Sten Ritade.


    The bottom of the quail’s foot is always itching for the ground ; and he seems never so happy as when leaving the enemy far behind him. His little legs take him through the brush so fast that you cannot keep up with him. Every muscle in him is as tough as a watch-spring.

    from “Winged Life” in The Desert by John C. Van Dyke


  • The metal trumpet stayed silent.

    Our backyard is a sea of landscape rocks.

    A shaded corner harbors a scrawny patch of wild grass.

    The boy harvests the grain.

    He severs the seeds from their slender stalks with a chipped rock.

    It was her idea.

    They’ve discovered the stone age.


    Polypodium Vulgare (Common Polypody or Adder’s Fern) young frond enlarged 7 times from Urformen der Kunst (1928) by Karl Blossfeldt.


    Nothing means anything except by having qualities.
    The world is woven by thrummed strings.

    from “Pronouns & Roles”, by Fred Hatt


  • He dreamt of writing but forgot that he woke up.

    He jumped off a box set of Roald Dahl books onto the ottoman.

    He jumped back onto the floor to repeat this routine.

    He paused and stared at the hanging light in the center of the room.

    He grabbed the box set, placed it on the ottoman, climbed up, stepped on top of the books, and stretched.

    He was a few inches short but grabbed my attention.

    He didn’t get a second chance.


    Fishes found in Moluccas (Indonesia) and the East Indies by Louis Renard (1678 -1746).


    For Lucretius, letters were atoms in continual motion, creating the most diverse words and sounds by means of their permutations.

    “Lightness”, from Six Memos for the Next Millenium, Italo Calvino


  • Yellow and turqoise blended in the morning light of near-sighted eyes.

    The boy leaned over a pile of rocks.

    He grabbed a faded bottle with both hands.

    Fluid grey shapes appeared on the patio.

    I knocked on the window.

    He looked up.

    What are you doing? 你在做什麼?

    我在煮饭. I’m cooking.




    Georgia O’Keeffe—Hands (1920–1922) by Alfred Stieglitz.


    I invented some people telling the story in a comic way in order to make it harder and more pitiless.

    Jorge Luis Borges on “The End of the Duel” in Borges on Writing


  • The pens chatted all night on the notebook.

    A United States Senator toured my building!

    What an honor!


    The real:

    They let me to deliver a daycare that serves forty eight children.

    Every day, year over year, decade after decade.


    The Harbinger of Autumn (1922) by Paul Klee.


    The purpose of a sentence is to say what it has to say
    but also to be itself,
    Not merely a substrate for the extraction of meaning.

    from Several short sentences about writing, Verlyn Klinkenborg


  • A turqoise flame marched through the dark forest.

    I cut myself.

    An experimental bread process left a hardened loaf.

    The knife slipped and tapped my finger.

    I had just sharpened the knife.

    It landed true.

    Should I rue the success or celebrate the failure?


    Tetrao Urogallus illustrated by the von Wright brothers.


    As Hoffmannsthal said: “Depth is hidden. Where? On the surface.”

    “Exactitude”, Six Memos for the Next Millenium, Italo Calvino


  • The losing team paused, to practice mindfulness.

    The boy was wearing a sock on his right foot.

    He started the morning with a pair but shed the left when it developed a hole.

    I went upstairs and found a replacement.

    Two hours later, he was wearing the new sock on his left foot.

    The sock on the right had developed a hole.


    Tughra (Insignia) of Sultan Süleiman the Magnificent (ca. 1520–1566).


    You give me money, I’ll give you creative.
    I’ll start when the check clears.
    Time is money. More time is more money.
    I’ll listen to you. You listen to me.
    You tell me what you want, I’ll tell you what you need.
    You want me to be on time, I want you to be on time.
    What you use is yours, what you don’t is mine.
    I can’t give you stuff I don’t own.
    I’ll try not to be an ass, you should do the same.
    If you want something that’s been done before, use that.


    If you want your way, you have to pay.
    If you don’t pay, I have final say.

    Let’s create something great together.

    Segura Contract, via Signal v. Noise
