written snapshots

Category: Notes

  • Programming Idea: Real-time Reality-based Ratings

    The test of whether you really liked a book is if you reread it (and how many times)…the rest is spin….

    Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes

    To pat myself on my back, I’ve been pretty happy with the rhythm this blog has hit over the past few months. I have also been happy with my “reviews”, even though they bounce around all over the place. However, I’ve had a nagging feeling that I ought to provide a minimal modicum of direct commentary on the these objects that springboard my ramblings.

    After years of reading reviews on Boardgamegeek and elsewhere, I believe that numerical rating systems are universally overwrought and contrived. After reading Taleb’s aphorism, I’ve been trying to end my notes with a blunt factual comment about what I did with the work during and after consumption.

    Aside from immediately rereading a book, I can think of no higher complement for BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habit than to say I ran off and bought my own physical copy. However, it’s been three months since the book arrived, and I haven’t cracked it open.

    Conversely, one must wonder how much I actually liked George Valliant’s Aging Well, since I immediately returned it to the library after completing my notes on that book. Then again, I’ve mentioned some of his key concepts in recent conversations.

    I’ve been slipping in such comments in recent reviews, but I’ve decided to force this feature by adding a postscript at the end of each of my “notes” for the months of May and June. Who knows after that. As always this blog is a work in progress, thanks for joining along for the ride.

  • Memorizing the I Ching Sequence

    Over the past month, I surpassed my expectations with the I Ching by memorizing the non-intuitive “King Wen” sequence of 64 hexagrams, as well as their English and Chinese names.

    The two critical tools for this exercise were my flashcards on Quizlet and on Pleco. (Quizlet is a free website and app. Pleco is a free Chinese dictionary app, but I paid extra for its flashcard functionality years ago.)

    It was unfortunate that Pleco’s flashcards could not render the hexagram unicode characters properly, however this limitation turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Quizlet was great for learning the hexagrams. Switching over to Pleco without the benefit of seeing the hexagram image on the screen almost felt like starting over, but the extra mental effort locked in my memorization. Soon after moving to Pleco, I started visualizing the hexagram sequence in my head, which I suspect was a nice side effect of this difficult limitation. And of course, Pleco was indispensable for learning the Chinese characters for the titles.

    The path I took in learning the sequence was unorthodox. I started by pulling a few hexagrams that had been thrown in recent sessions. I realized that a purely random approach was unworkable so I pulled out all the hexagrams with Thunder below and with Lake above. (I chose these two trigrams because they were most analogous to my old rabbits Badger and Peppercorn.) Then I started to get systematic. The obvious first choice should have been simple doubled up trigrams, so I added them into the mix.

    At that point, I had about thirty hexagrams memorized. I completed the remainder by filling in the gaps in the sequence, starting from the beginning. It was slow going for a bit, but the memorization quickly coalesced at the end. For this last step, it was nice to have previously memorized milestones scattered along the entire sequence. It created a path where the mind could while rest when reciting the sequence in order.

    After memorizing the sequence with English titles and Chinese pronunciations, I decided to learn the written Chinese characters. This last step only took a week. I don’t know much written Chinese, but I suspect my multitude of attempts over the years really greased the skids for the process.

    All in all, it worked. Since the process went faster than expected, I don’t know if there is much value in trying to optimize the process. Just do it.

    This was a good exercise in memorization with the help of modern digital tools. These flashcard programs didn’t make the effort easy, but they certainly made the process less difficult. Whenever I had a short break (or spent an hour in line to get a vaccine shot) I’d pull out the phone and work out my brain.

    The benefits from this effort were immediately noticeable, even before I had memorized much of sequence. I use the slow yarrow stalk method for building the hexagrams, so I have plenty of time to mull the possible results during the process. Knowing the sequence by heart has enriched the divination process since I delight in pondering the forking paths before the final answer reveals itself.

    Outside of the benefits to the I Ching practice, it was good to just go through a pure exercise of raw brute force memorization. The value of memorization diminished considerably in this age of the ubiquitous internet. However, this skill should not be completely discarded, and there is value in practicing focused concentration. The sense of accomplishment felt great, and since the process didn’t take nearly as long as I feared, I will be more willing to deploy this mental tool as the need arises. After all, I was willing to embark on this exercise partly because of the distant memory of learning koine Greek when I was a devout Christian, a quarter century years ago.

    And heck, even if I move onto another obsession in a few months, I now have an interesting sequence for counting sheep, to help me fall back asleep if I wake up too early in the morning.

  • From Sea to Shining Sea, Hiroji Kubota, 1992

    I picked up the book soon after I finally purchased Robert Frank’s The Americans and Walker Evan’s American Photographs. Amazon’s algorithm saw a trend and kept placing this book in front of me until I caved.

    Fortunately, the algorithm did right. I fully enjoyed this snapshot of America in the early 90’s.

    Kubota is the most sincere photographer I’ve read. He keeps a respectful distance from his subject, presents them without comment, avoids personal flourishes, and maintains the fourth wall between the photograph and the reader.

    I was intrigued by his ability to seem so anonymous within his work. Like the dog who didn’t bark, it takes a while before you notice the fact he worked so carefully to stay out of the frame. His only stylistic device is a tendency to go high, whether a step ladder or on a blimp. Even then, this was noticed largely because he admits to it in the introduction.

    At a contextual level, it was also interesting to note how many of these three decade old photos would be considered subpar in today’s world. The aerial night shots of Vegas are completely blurred, something you’d expect of a frame capture from a youtube video. Such aerial shots were possibly magnificent in their time, but such technical and logistical feats have lost their punch in an era where my contractor is producing a weekly high definition drone video of my construction site.

    Even so, Kubota’s photographs still hold up on the ground and in the crowd. Maybe the reason they’ve stayed fresh because my nostalgia of these years when America was on the ascendency after the fall of the Soviets.

    However, I’d like to think they hold up artistically because he scrupulously avoided forcing a stylistic signature in his work. Asian Americans are often frustrated by our invisibility within larger society. In this case, Kubota used it to his great advantage.

    This assessment might be an idiosyncratic preference – Kubota’s out of print books are not overpriced in the secondary market. Even so, I can think of no higher compliment than to mention that I’ve purchased two more of his books, China and Out of the East, this time without the insistent prompting of the algorithm.

  • Batteries in a Bird

    We have a toy bird. Talk to it while pressing a button and it repeats what you said, a couple pitches higher.

    Unfortunately, the kids leave the darn thing on all day and we’re constantly changing its batteries.

    Our boy thinks that is part of the fun. He loves to pull out the screw driver and pop the two batteries into the bird. He knows which one should be pointing positive up and that the other positive goes down.

    Yesterday, he decided to put them both in, positive up. Then both positive down.

    He looked at me with a glimmer in his eye. He found it hilarious and laughed and laughed.

    Finally he put them in correctly, still chuckling at this hilarious joke.

  • Encouragement to Quit Facebook

    A note for a friend and for everyone else, including me.

    I popped on to Facebook and saw a post that you had just returned from being stuck in FB purgatory for a few days.  I doubt you did anything that deserved punishment from their idiotic moderation, so I’m not writing about that.

    Instead, I wanted to drop some unsolicited advice about social media cause this shit is a parasitic a brain suck. I don’t think I’ll ever fully delete my account, cause I enjoy visiting once a month to skim quick updates…and occasionally find some cool stuff.

    However, I’m really happy that I’ve made a concerted effort to severely restrict FB’s reach into my life. Quitting social has saved me a bunch of time and more importantly it’s freed me to be present with the kids. I didn’t realize how these addictive algorithms were constantly sucking a brain tax until I drastically cut myself out of their system. Seriously, quitting Facebook last summer was as difficult as quitting smoking ten years ago. 

    I fully admit childcare is fucking boring. It isn’t fun to have an adult’s Ferrari brain stuck pushing tricycles around the house. But infecting oneself with social media isn’t a good answer. This is my one regret from my daughter’s early years – I feel that I half assed the childcare and got even less out of the experience.

    One of the best quips about parenting is “the days are long, but the years are short”. Next thing I know, she’s finishing first grade. Soon she’ll be off hanging out with her friends.

    Normally I would have kept these opinions to myself, but you’re a good buddy and I hope you’ll avoid my mistake. In the end, everybody gotta figure out how to run their own lives and decide how the internet will support such goals. I’m not going to judge anyone on how they use social media, but I thought I’d offer a little perspective for your consideration.

    Be intentional however you choose to use these sites.  Make sure you’re using the tool, not the one being used.

    Take care, and when this goddamn pandemic settles down, I hope we’ll get a chance to break some bread.

  • Detention Basin

    It was a lovely day, so we drove out to a local detention basin at the western foothills near our house. There wasn’t any good parking. All the nearby developments were gated communities, and we didn’t want to take our Odyssey up a gravel utility road.

    So we drove back down a long suburban block to the closest elementary school. Fortunately, this extremely upscale development had created a linear park along the thoroughfare. This was no mere sidewalk. It wound back and forth and looped under itself (twice!) with unnecessary pedestrian bridges buttressed by gabion walls. Along the route, there was a large lawns which was populated with little mounds. The kids loved running up and down this bumpy plain.

    At the end of this luxurious walk, we turned up the gravel utility road, slipped through a gap in the guard rail at the storm channel, and suddenly found ourselves in the middle of the desert.

    At the upper rim of the basin you could look all the way out to the Strip.

    In the bowl, you could only see the hills and sky.

    A few months ago, I had hiked alone to this detention basin via a decidedly less bourgeois route, coming down from the hills via an arroyo, following the storm channel into this space. I already knew this was a pretty cool spot, and it was nice to share this place with the rest of the family.

    Admittedly, the gratuitous walk with fancy trashcans that looks like planters is also enjoyable, but the pleasure of the linear park is dampened by its artifice. In contrast, the detention basin is real, a piece of infrastructure that exists because we insist on occupying this desert valley.

    Unlike the linear park that tries to be something, this basin just is.

  • The Philosopher’s Cookbook, Martin Versfeld, 2005

    You are what you eat. Not a novel assertion, but this book was enjoyable because of the many ways that Versfeld explored this concept.

    He advocates for a simple and earthy enjoyment of food via a refined book liberally seasoned with references and allusions from all throughout literate history. My intimate understanding of the Bible, a working familiarity with Greek and Roman mythology, generic feel for the contours of Western philosophy, and recent forays into ancient Chinese thought, all turned out to be surprisingly useful for enjoying this book.

    As I grow older (and disillusioned with the gift of the internet) I find myself becoming more curmudgeonly concerning my information consumption. I have always been skeptical about fads that valorize a classical “great-books” education, but I have to admit that such a rarified syllabus is obviously better fare than a constant barrage of opinion pieces (such as this post) that are indiscriminately published on the web.

    In these days of easy edutainment, it is difficult to slow down and read a book. A book is a journey that takes time and mental effort to inhabit. It is much harder to develop understanding than to collect trophies. Unfortunately, social media is all about collecting trophies to satisfy our basest emotional instincts. The quick hit of a hot take is a fleeting pleasure that have been weaponized by our favorite tech companies. The only way I’ve been able to sidestep this dilemma has to cut social media out my life.

    I’ve uninstalled all the apps and am logged out on my browsers. I haven’t deleted my accounts, because I will occasionally reference old posts and keep contacts alive in private messages. I’m not perfect, so I’ll sometimes slip into surfing these feeds, but the more I stay away from the addiction, the easier it’s been to avoid mindlessly returning to these infinite pages.

    In reading about habits, you will come across the trope of “never skip two days”. It’s bad enough to miss one day, but you’re in real danger if you miss two in a row. My advice for cutting out social media is the inverse. The hardest step in avoiding a site is the second day. Once you get past that point, it is relatively easy to avoid such sites for multiple weeks.

    Breaking the social media habit was most among my greatest accomplishments over the past year, along with losing weight, and getting myself back on a regular schedule of posting self-righteous puffery on this little platform of my own.

    In all, I quite enjoyed the book. I don’t think it will be in the regular rotation, but I think this will be a book that I will happily rediscover on my shelves every few years. Kind of like finding an old friend on Facebook.

  • Landfill: Notes on Gull Watching and Trash Picking in the Anthropocene, Tim Dee, 2019

    What struck me was the foreignness of it all.

    Is the jungle in Madagascar truly more exotic than a dump in England? What is stranger: the birds who fly the seas eating any scrap of edible looking trash or the people who obsessively chase them?

    I have no interest in bird watching, but this book was a compelling read.

    Any endeavor fully pursued begins to weave together the entire world. A singular focus on one subject becomes a window on the universe. Though they come from the sea and the air, these gulls are now intertwined with our human world, inhabiting our cities and farms. The landfill is a record of our activities, a living testament of who we were yesterday. The categorizations of these birds highlight our scientific era’s obsession with creating ever finer distinctions of specificity.

    Tim Dee’s anecdotes in the field and interviews with experts transforms this niche subject into a exploration of humanity. The book is an example of how a deftly managed lens becomes a mirror that reveals our other selves.

    The world is rich, we just need to truly look.

  • The Art of Fermentation, Sandor Ellix Katz, 2012

    This is an ambitious endeavor, covering fermentation in all its forms, all over the world.

    After getting into sourdough baking, I developed a preference for “scientific” cookbooks, using weight measurements (metric) with page layouts that are clearly formatted for ease of visual discrimination as one skims the the work. However, all these books invariably ended up being messy and touchy feely when describing how to develop a starter.

    Fermentation is the art of a collecting things, shoving them into a favorable environment, and letting time do its thing.

    As modern humans, we are given an illusion of control. However, choosing to ferment is a leap of faith, especially at the idiosyncratic home-brew level and especially in one’s first attempts.

    But one should start simply, with the a basic sauerkraut. The first batch I made was with some almost-wilted purple cabbage that had been abandoned in the fridge. I chopped it up, squeezed the leaves as I added salt, shoved it all into a jar. A couple days later I had the best sauerkraut I’ve ever tasted in my life.

    Absolute magic.

    My sourdough starter is also magical, but it took two long weeks of feeding and discarding before she came to life. It then took another three weeks before I figured out how to bake properly to draw out her full capabilities.

    In contrast, sauerkraut was so simple. Just two ingredients shoved into a jar for a couple days. Fermentation happens, and this book is a lovely mix of folksy wisdom, extensive experience, and authoritative research that wrestles with this unruly topic.

    This book is an encyclopedic and magisterial work. I wonder what it’s like to work on such a project. Writing is a lonely task and any ambitious project is fraught with insecurity. With this grand title, it’s clear that Sandor Katz knew this was going to be his magnum opus. I also wonder how it feels when such a project achieves the author’s dreams of grandeur, winning a James Beard award and being generally regarded as a in instant classic in the field.

    This book is victorious, but whatever brilliance earned from the previous project is fleeting. There’s always the next project. Life (and fermentation) marches on, and I look forward to reading Sandor’s newest book, Fermentation as Metaphor.

    I really like the following quote, but I couldn’t fit them into the post above.

    Professor Kosikowski won over Kindstedt and his fellow graduate students. “He understood that traditional cheesemaking was not simply about food, or even gastronomic delight, but rather carried with it the weight of the culture and local identity that are so essential for providing context and meaning to our lives.” Indeed, all food exists in a broad context, and centralized mass produced food diminishes that context.

    page 206

  • I Ching Flashcards for Pleco

    I was working through my Quizlet flashcards and decided to also learn the Chinese titles, so I made some flashcards on Pleco, the Chinese-English Dictionary App.

    Unfortunately Pleco doesn’t render the hexagrams on iOS, which would have been really slick.

    In the end, I produced two flashcard sets, both exported as txt files.

    This first set includes the King Wen hexagram number, the Trigrams, and Judgement (Gregory Richter translation), as well as the (modern) Dictionary Definition of the words. (If you open it up, you’ll notice an odd character peppered throughout the file – this character is used by Pleco to designate line breaks on the card.)

    The second is just a list of all the Chinese words that was used for these titles. This is intended to tie into the Pleco dictionary and does not include its own definitions. I produced this set because making custom cards by adding I Ching info took out the formatting that made the standard cards more readable.

    Have fun!