written snapshots

Category: Life

  • The Marsh Pheasant

    The little marsh pheasant
    Must hop ten times
    To get a bite of grain.

    She must run a hundred steps
    Before she takes a sip of water.
    Yet she does not ask
    To be kept in a hen run.

    Though she might have all she desired
    Set before her.

    She would rather run
    And seek her own little living

    The Way of Chuang Tzu, translated by Thomas Merton, pages 48 & 49

    A good challenge to those of us in comfortable jobs. Being part of an organization may be a great opportunity to do things one couldn’t do on their own.

    But it could also be a trap, especially for someone like me, who has fairly conservative tendencies.

  • More than a little hectic

    I woke up this morning with multiple things on my list. Everything needed to be addressed. Now.

    I had barely enough discipline to perfunctorily exercise for a few minutes and a deep breath and look at my things to do list.

    And then I started to jump in.

    But then I felt thirsty and went to the kitchen to heat up some water.

    And then I realized I forgot something.

    Why hello world!

  • How high a wire?

    After blogging daily for half a year I’ve made it less dangerous to miss the commitment.

    By blogging a couple times each morning for a few weeks, I now have a four week backlog of scheduled articles. And I even have a few half baked blog drafts that I could deploy relatively easily if I miss a day.

    I wonder if I’m missing an edge to the writing because I no longer have a sharp deadline of all or nothing every single morning.

    But maybe that would be an unnecessary artificial constraint. I’ve already made a mental commitment to blog every morning (at least until the solstice). Trying to satisfy that commitment is plenty enough, without the stakes of actually having nothing to publish that given morning.

    Who knows, maybe I should should be looking for other thrills, such as sharing my blog posts to others, and seeing what their feedback may be.

  • They and us

    In times of polarization it is easy to forget that “they” versus “us” are concepts that change with scale.

    Nation, State, County, City, Neighborhood.

    Our political parties encompass different levels of extremes which themselves have competing factions.

    Our religions have different sects with individuals who have differing priorities.

    While we view other races as monolithic blocs, we make fine distinctions between the different groups of our own race.

    When we forget how fluidly we navigate between all these different versions of “us”, we begin to stagnate into a fragmented tribalism. But this is merely an illusion that allows us to assign evil to the others.

    Shift the framing slightly, and they are us.

  • 40 pounds for 20 bucks

    We’ve recently joined online group with a farm that sells produce direct to market.

    In the back of our minds we understand thatwe’re all interconnected in this digital web.

    But this example jumps into our physical world, highlighting the invisible crisscrossing connections that surround us.

    Because you eat the results of this network.

    They were good oranges.

  • Cycles

    For a while I had been writing five weeks in advance, which is kind of a cool number, a prime, the number on your fingers, toes, etc. But after the big sick of March, I fell back to being only four weeks in advance, and it feels right.

    It’s not perfectly aligned, but at least it generally follows the lunar cycle of twenty nine and a half days. while working within our seven day weekly cycle. On the one hand such a sentiment is totally anachronistic in this digital era, but I feel that we ignore such cycles, the micro and the macro cycles in our world at our peril.

    Peril may be a bit strong, but it is certainly to our own loss that we disconnect ourselves from the natural world.

    For example, why do we do daylight savings time? If as a society we decide we ant to have more daylight in the afternoons during spring and summer, we should not be trying to change time. Instead we all would be better off collectively shifting our business hours an hour earlier between the equinoxes.

    Maybe this is a little woo woo, but I feel that the industrial world has a tendency to constantly disconnecting us from the earth around us. It’s not all bad (I certainly appreciated central heating and instant hot water during my nasty cold) but there is no reason for gratuitous disassociation from the cycles of this planet when it is not needed.

  • How do you know what’s important to focus on?

    Man that’s a tough question.

    I’m not generally a fan of the 7 Habits universe but I do like their important/urgent matrix, and I find the idea of Q2 (non-urgent but important tasks) a really intriguing concept.  I agree with Covey’s contention that this Quadrant is where the hard long term progress is made. 

    But that just begs the question, what is important?

    Preparing is important. When you walk into a meeting you should be ready for whatever is thrown at you, (including the humility to say “I’m not sure, let me get back to you”). I think life has discreet inflection points where things change. Some of those moments are scheduled and you can research ahead of time. Some of them come from out of the blue and you’re forced to just to rely on the life you’ve lived to date.

    As an architect, I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be a dilettante and dabble in a lot of hobbies. While any specific hobby might not be “important” the act of opening oneself up to the world via multiple avenues may well be enrichment that feeds the work. That said, tangible career progress is a matter of hard focused effort. Not necessarily a ton of hours, but spending those hours in a focused manner.

    Which again begs the question of how to determine what should be the object of focus.

    I guess I’d say stepping back and taking breaks. I once did a six week summer studio and I took zero breaks. Aside from being completely burnt out, I also did not finish the project. I never got out of my own head space. After that semester I realized I have to take at least one weekend day off until the final push. One needs to regularly take a moment and look at themself in a detached manner and make sure they aren’t headed in the wrong direction.

    In the past few years I’ve also picked up the habit to stop at the coffeeshop every Friday morning, as well as when I’ve got a certain unsettled feeling. Sometimes I get caught up in the coffee shop conversation, but occasionally it’s a really useful time of reflection where the internal muddy waters of my mind settle down and I can begin to see things clearly again.

  • The moment

    In the heights of accomplishment and joy there is a nagging feeling that tomorrow is coming, where you won’t be the center of attention and the next challenge is right around the corner.

    Maybe it’s a good thing. While it may be enjoyable to live it up to the max, such a sentiment keeps the downs from going too low.

    How does one live presently in the moment, knowing this too shall pass?

  • When you’re sick you’re sick

    Being sick shuts down the brain in a way which is can be difficult to appreciate when one is riding high on life.

    That saying “if you got your health you’ve got it all” is simultaneously hedonistic, naive, and got a helluva point that one can’t fully appreciate till you’re sick.

  • Half a decade

    Flies by so quickly.

    By extension forty years must fly by quickly as well.

    or Seventy!

    There are many things to be thankful for.

    Does a conscious gratitude of time make one better at spending it?