written snapshots

Cedar City

In June, we went on a weekend road trip out to Cedar City, Utah.

It’s a nice little town, worth a visit.

There was a few nice parks, we caught a free show outside their Shakespearean theater as well as another little event up in the hills, popped into a little natural history gallery at the university, checked out their art museum, and their excellent Frontier Homestead State Park.

Oh and we used the indoor pool at the hotel every day we were there. The girl hasn’t learned to swim, but she does love to play in the water!

The most striking thing about the city is how small it was. We were constantly amazed how our google map instructions always invariably had us turning much sooner than we were used to zigging and zagging.

It was well worth a visit and maybe a even a return visit or two as the kids grow up, though I suspect the next visits would involve some camping and a bit more nature instead of being such a focused mini-cosmopolitan adventure.