I woke up early and ground through the remaining emails in my personal inbox, which had gotten up to the four digit range.
Yes, I’m one of those obnoxious inbox zero people, though I’m not so perfect to be truly obnoxious.
Now I have to figure out what to do with the remaining 22 emails still hiding the inbox. I most likely need to revive my old Things to Do, which will suck up a few of these items.
But that doesn’t answer what to do with the items that are just interesting bits of reading or media that I’d like to enjoy in the future reading / time.
I suspect I’ll just add a star to them, put an entry in the TTD, and then archive it away. In about a year, I’ll cull through the TTD list and they will be disappeared for good…or at least until I decide to go through another exercise culling my starred emails as well!
Maybe it isn’t the worst thing in the world to procrastinate on such “gems”, there is a chance they weren’t really worth reading at all.
Time will tell.