As a sucker for collected aphorisms, this is the perfect format — aphorisms with commentary!
A thin thread connects the essays from piece to piece, but there is no overarching narrative to this book as Klein meanders through a variety of philosophers and their thoughts.
I enjoyed having the meaning of life be the driving motive of this book. Though of course, philosophy doesn’t readily grant such a simplistic deliverable.
(But at least he didn’t get mired in the arcane elements of this field.)
In the end, maybe the search is what counts.
I started relistening to it, but got sucked onto other fare. One day, I should re-read this book, preferably with my eyes.
If I were to create a 5 point scale for books it would be
- Didn’t bother to finish
- No plans on rereading it
- Should reread it one day
- Read this book twice
- Have reread this multiple times