written snapshots

Exercise or Daily blogging

I’ve decided to reassess the daily blog every solar event this year and this solstice I realized that if I had to pick one item every morning, I really need to pick exercise over blogging.

So who knows if this gets more sporadic going forward, but I thought I’d put it out there.

Daily blogging has been a good route for self expression over the past nine months – I’ve noticed a lot of ideas getting stuck in the noggin over the past week where I stopped sitting down and typing first thing in the morning.

Returning to the theme of tradeoffs, the only way I can do both blogging and exercise in the morning is to go to sleep early, and that makes for a pretty dull nightlife, if not outright going to sleep before the kids. And that really isn’t a great scenario either.

So we’ll see where this goes, but seriously, I need to do a minimal amount of exercise, this bag ‘o’ meat ain’t getting younger!