written snapshots

Flying an old kite

Five years ago, while my wife and I were caught up in the maelstrom of being first time parents, we were suddenly struck by the reality check of the passage of a friend’s child.

It was a sobering reminder that there were no guarantees for how much time we would be given with our own daughter.

Since then, I’ve made a point to contemplate this uncertainty and hold the kids a little extra tight this time each year.

Yesterday afternoon, we found an old kite from a local kite festival. The extreme temperatures over the past three years in the garage had finally taken its toll on this dollar store giveaway.

It was was falling apart, but our daughter insisted on trying to fly this old kite. While we were running around the driveway unsuccessfully trying to get aloft one last time, I remembered that April had almost passed without taking stock of the brevity of life.

Time moves forward inexorably, but it is on us to savor the moment and keep our memories alive.