written snapshots

Hilda, Bluey, Waffles+Mochi

Hilda, Seasons 1 and 2, Luke Pearson

In 2020, we discovered Hilda on Netflix and devoured the series. Our girl was so charmed, she read all the graphic novels and books, even though the stories had already been retold in the TV show.

Hilda works because the world is constrained and limitless. The geography is tight, but anything can happen. And even if we’re missing a bunch of Scandinavian mythology, there’s a lots to enjoy.

A young spunky protagonist.
Strange creatures.
The supernatural.
Lots of trolls.
Hilda’s friends.

And my favorite, the woodman. He’s a total ass, but he likes jazz and lives in a stylish modern home from the 70’s. I wish I could be as imperturbable as him.

Suitable for children but interesting for adults. Thrilling but not scary.

Here’s to the next season!


I wrote this in 2021 and Season 3 came out last year…but we are no longer on Netflix. At some point we’ll resubscribe. Maybe after the kids grow out of their Pokemon obsession.


Bluey, Seasons 1 to 3, Joe Brumm

The dog family y’all wish you had—
playing parents,
giggling kids,
house atop of the hill,
and a verdant lawn.


This is how you know it’s great — Disney Plus was compelled to license this Australian Broadcasting Company show. Hard recommend.


Waffles + Mochi, Season 1, Thormahlen and Konner.

We loved it—the girl, the boy, and me— but mama found it a too saccharine.

I normally avoid food shows because it’s an exercise of remote envy. This show certainly brings a lot of envy, but it moved briskly and covered fun topics. And how can you deny a power anthem to the lowly egg?

But was it prudent to feature Mrs. Obama in the show? The Obama fit my type, so I enjoyed her presence. Maybe they would have had a wider reach with a non-political figure. Then again, in this rabidly interconnected age, the mere involvement of the production company might have turned off Republican viewers anyways. Their loss.

I wonder what GOP tinged productions am I missing out on?

That aside, I enjoyed all ten episodes. It might be too saccharine for you, but at least check out their fine with the first episode.


Another show to add to the Netflix cue, along with Arcane Season 2 and Pui Pui Molcar Season 2.


Speaking of Arcane, I just realized that I never wrote about Season 1, by Linke and Yee.

It’s a visual treat, but I can’t get excited by teenagers dealing with their issues, even if they are trying to save/ruin the world. I noted in an aside last year “Arcane—a fun show that doesn’t reach the stratosphere of top-line classics.”

Check out this scene. Stylish and visceral. Damn.


