written snapshots

How shall we consider the election today?

novice reads the I Ching

19:1,3 to 46

In reading classic texts, one should be wary of the context. These are invariably Imperial documents. They were written by men in power to influence men with even more power. Literacy was an ultimate privilege.

Reading them is a balancing act. Books that survived the ages must have provided great value to their readers. But we shouldn’t uncritically marinate in their archaic values.

Then again, questioning paradigms is the point of divination. This is a tool to help us surface our self-imposed unconsciousness.

So let’s ask the oracle of ancient kings concerning this day of democracy.


19. The Approach 臨
䷒ (earth above a lake)
Success approaches by obtaining the trust of others. Be boundless in teaching. Lead by patient persuasion. Share the truth. But growth may be short-lived, calamity might be around the corner.

Changing Line 3
Complacency in the approach will result in stagnation. However, doom is not predestined. Remorse against comfort and vigilance against ignorance will protect from harm.

46. Pushing Upward 升
䷭ (earth above the wood)
Like a tree pushes upward through the earth, greatness will rise. Rooted in good character and heaping small efforts. This accumulation can climb high. Practice devotion to continual progress.


Success is near, so is calamity.
Don’t get comfortable, continual refinement.
The constant pressure of little victories leads to great progress.
