written snapshots

Middle age privilege and problems

I started a more detailed year in review, but ultimately that’s most likely best kept to myself.

It was a great year professionally. I got lucky getting a job I partially deserved, but I hope I’m doing good work for the state so I’m hoping it’s starting to be earned.

With such a position, it’s a little easy to get one’s head inflated, but I constantly remind myself that people’s responsiveness to me is due to the position than who I am. After all, no one was giving me the time of day when I was in Houston trying to move out west.

Indeed, life has a way of cosmically balancing things out, with a body that is racing towards forty years outside the womb.

Well here’s to middle age privilege! I got an office with a door, and a yoga mat cause I need to stretch out my gimpy lower back that flared up over Christmas!