written snapshots

Music Mix Snapshot, circa 2004

Alt Text: Screenshot of a track listing from a burned CD. It starts with the final track of the main album, "Not, Yet Not", then "Do You Know the Way to San Jose" Dionne Warwick. "Temperature" Sean Paul. "Any Way You Want It" Journey. "Everybody Dance Now" C&C Music Factory. "My Block" 2Pac.

I’m ripping a CD that I burned in my first year in grad school. Most of it is the excellent Psychograss album Now Hear This.

I had thrown in a few extra tracks in the leftover space at the end, which is now a snapshot of my mental state of that tumultuous time in my early twenties.

The opening bars of each of these tracks triggers a flood of dormant feelings.

I have mixed feelings of Architecture school. It’s inherently traumatic but created memories I wouldn’t want to give up.

If I was in power, I would develop a less vicious pedagogy…but I can’t muster any sympathy for students today, even if Studio hasn’t changed in two decades.

Humans are weird. Maybe I’m more cruel than I dare to admit.