written snapshots

My newsletters

After doing a big culling last year, there are four regular email newsletters I still read.

  1. Seth Godin – daily blog, great stuff in general, usually focused on marketing from a very empathetic, respectful yet challenging perspective
  2. CJ Chilvers – a thoughtful writer whose approach on photography I really align with.
  3. MyModernMet – A great collection of art from all different disciplines
  4. American Life in Poetry – a weekly poem sent every Monday, curated by Tim Kooser, former poet Laureate.

There is actually a 5th newsletter that I am provisionally following – Tim Ferris.  I’ve gotten a kick out of his content for the past month, but I’m not sure it will survive the next culling.  I like the stuff he puts on the newsletter, but he embodies a certain self satisfied attitude that doesn’t sit well with me.

I do subscribe to all my old newsletters in a “read later” folder, but honestly I haven’t looked at that folder for half a year.  If I want to read randomly, there’s facebook, or better yet a massive pile of books at home and available at the library.
