More of a photo contest with buildings in it than a true “architectural photo” contest, but some gorgeous shots in here.
20 Stunning Finalists of the 2018 Architectural Photography Awards
More of a photo contest with buildings in it than a true “architectural photo” contest, but some gorgeous shots in here.
20 Stunning Finalists of the 2018 Architectural Photography Awards
Twice in my career, my compensation has jumped by about half twice. Not surprisingly, both jobs came via referral from a friend who worked at the new firm. More importantly, both of these guys had been unemployed for some time.
While it certainly can’t hurt to hang with people who already have juicy jobs, there is something counterintuitively opportunistic about picking up the check for with someone without a gig. This guy isn’t just open to opportunities, he is actively looking for openings in a way you aren’t. His full time job is to find one.
If a place is hiring, there’s a chance it’s not just one single position that needs to be filled. So aside from being a good person and treating your buddy to lunch, there might be a crass benefit on the other side.
We usually take about a week to get through our loaves. But last week’s loaf was moldy on Friday morning. So Friday evening, I mixed up the dough for a Saturday morning bake on Friday. To avoid overproofing, I threw in a couple extra grams of salt as well as put the dough in the garage.
300g all purpose flour (King Arthur)
100g whole wheat flour
300g water
100g starter
13g salt
60g chia seeds, soaked in 90g water
60g flaxseed meal, soaked in 90g water
It turns out I overdid it. The dough was not ready for bake when I first woke up in the morning. In fact, I ended up throwing it in the proof function of the oven for a couple hours before starting the bake.
For giggles, I tried a different pattern for the cuts on top, four snips for a square and one in the middle for the 5th. I think I’m going to try a pentagon or a star shape next time. Maybe at some point I’ll just have to get over the silly asian superstition about the number four and just live with a simple square.
The flavor at 25% whole wheat is quite good. I’m realizing it was a mistake to stop putting whole wheat in the bread earlier this year. I always felt a little mental pressure to use up whole wheat the oils that may go rancid, and I just didn’t want to deal with it after I used up the last bag. But there was a little extra complexity in the flavor this week that I realized had been missing for quite some time.
Being Saturday morning, we went ahead and cut into the loaf fresh out of the oven for breakfast. Between going lower on the water for the flaxseed meal, and the early cut, I’m going back to leaving the lid of the dutch oven ajar. Hopefully we’ll eat our way through this one before the spores come.
Here is my basic bread recipe. It’s pretty straightforward, as long as you have a kitchen scale. The ratio is, 1 leaven: 3 water: 4 flour: .1 salt. Since my 3 quart Dutch oven limits the loaf size, that means my basic recipe is:
100g starter
300g water
400g flour
10g salt
I keep my starter mix at 100 percent, regularly fed with equal weights of flour and water. The starter lives in the fridge and is refilled whenever I bake bread or make pancakes, at least once every two weeks. It might be able to survive longer without feeding, but I’m not going to try.
I would go deeper into making the starter, except for the fact that I basically followed the instructions on Mike’s sourdough website. I really like his straightforward approach to the process. Don’t be intimidated, fermentation just happens, mix some water and flour and the germs in flour will happily do their duty. Jewish tradition considers bread to be leavened after 18 minutes, which is a wildly optimistic timeframe, but the sentiment is much closer to the truth than anyone who makes it sound like a big deal.
As for the bread itself, you can jazz it up in two ways. First you can tweak the flour itself. I’ve found that 20% whole wheat flour has minimal effect on the final product aside from making it healthier. Once you go above that, the loaf does start to get whole wheat-y. Second, you can add fun stuff. Generally my rule is +30% of flour weight of things like nuts, seeds, dried fruit, or even grain porridge. As I write, I’ve realized you should be able to actually go higher, since I was adding 7% wheat germ to the dough when I came up with that +30% rule, so it most likely means you could throw in up to forty percent in other random stuff. If you’re not sure, go ahead and presoak these extra items, since you don’t want to throw off the hydration ratio of the main dough. I would guess 150% of the weight of the fun stuff stuff is a good rule of thumb for starters (such as 60g chia seed + 90g water).
By the way, the first few of my consistently good loaves were ones with stuff added to it (such as 15% raisins + 15% walnuts). This is a completely uninformed theory, but I suspect the extra chunks acted as aggregate in concrete, making it easier to shape.
The process itself is also pretty basic: Autolyse, mix, wait a while, preheat the oven, preshape the dough, shape it again, and bake it covered, and then take off the cover, and then let the loaf rest.
And that’s it.
But before I let you go, here is some additional commentary.
If you overproof your bread, it isn’t actually the end of the world. Throw in some fresh flour (I’ll add 100g flour to my 400g flour loaf), mix it up with the dough, and give it a couple hours. But then you should have something you can shape and bake, and a dough that now coincidentally meets Ruhlman’s 5 flour:3 water ratio. I only figured out this general game plan a couple months ago, so I don’t have a fixed process yet, but know that it is salvageable.
While you are waiting for the dough to rise and you find yourself stepping out of the house for an extended period, throw the bread in the fridge and bake the next day. The long cold storage will make the bread a bit more sour, which may be a feature if you actually want sourdough to be sour. In fact, my bread made with the standard process above without refrigeration is not sour at all.
Unlike true professional bakers, I’m just happy with getting a consistently decent loaf (better than anything you can get from the supermarkets, including Whole Foods). When you read those recipe books, you’ll see authors geek out on flour, temperature, time, starter condition, etc. I grant that carefully controlling all those variables is necessary for getting the absolute best possible loaf out of the oven, but I don’t think it’s worth the stress. Instead, I follow the attitude that I came across at the back of a mud oven book at the library, where the hippie author gives a very generic sketch of instructions for sourdough and then tells the reader to enjoy what comes out.
However, I do strongly recommend geeking out with cookbooks at the library. All these books follow same pattern – sell the idea of baking your own bread, give you the basic method (this blog post), and then spend the remaining two thirds with filler (alternate recipes, the jazz it up paragraph in the post above). While at the library you should browse the shelves and flip through every bread book available, you never know where you’ll come across a random useful snippet amidst all the food porn. Here are some of my favorites:
Finally, my instructions are vague because it’s just going to take a few (or lots) failed attempts to get a feel for the dough. As such, I’d suggest doing smaller loaves so you can plow through the bummers in a short amount of time. I baked every day for three weeks before getting consistent, sometimes a couple loaves at a time for A/B tests. I could try harder to describe the right feel for things, but it would be as futile as all the books I read while fighting my failed loaves for those first three weeks.
In the end, you gotta just make it happen. So start. Now.
I was into podcasts before there was the internet. We used to buy tapes of sermons and listen to them on little portable cassette players. I’d listen to them while doing chores, walking around, or doing pretty much anything. If it wasn’t sermons, it was talk radio, sports and politics, and the occasional audiobook. In any case, there was always noise going on. So for me, the transition to podcasts was beyond easy, it was natural.
While I’ve read all those articles and books that claims you can’t multitask, I think they ignore the fact that many times a task won’t require your full brain power. And during those times, I find myself getting extremely anxious if I don’t have an audio distraction to keep me from being distracted by all the other self-chatter in my noggin.
Maybe it’s because of the kids, or because I’m moving into lower middle management, but all the sudden I’ve found myself enjoying silence. I still want noise during long stretches in brainless tasks (such as my commute), but I have surprised myself at times with how little chatter I’m throwing in my ears. Don’t get me wrong, I still listen to plenty of podcasts, but given how much I used to listen, it’s quite a sudden drop.
Twenty years ago, my first boss (who was most likely younger at the time than I am now) warned me this would be coming at some point. He was right. Silence does have a way of suddenly catching up to you. Even me.
After listening more to the Cortex Podcast, I’ve been playing with Toggl, the time tracking website. I’ve been flailing around with it and have given up being able to really gather any data from it this week, but I’d like to get Toggl set up so I enter the weekend with a good system in place. As such, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about how I want to track my time.
Deciding whether something is worth tracking is to make a judgement of its value. Making value judgements means designing. But design is done in a bounded space. While your life is technically a limited space, it’s a big sprawling thing to keep track off.
Toggle provides three levels of categorization. So the first thing I did was split Work versus Home.
The second level is called Projects. Work was pretty straightforward, I just split out all the projects. In order to track activities (meetings, emails, etc) I’ll need to start adding tags. Life at home is a little more complicated. Ideally it would be sliced into Good, Chores, and Wasted. But that’s a bit too blunt of an instrument, so right now I have it split up between a few pet projects, eat, sleep, drive, chores, and a generic life in general section.
The third level are the Tasks within each projects. For the last couple days I had been trying to keep a tight eye on this, but I’ve decided to just let it sprawl for a bit and then before reining it in, after I feel like I have a handle on things.
I know my wife is rolling her eyes at this ridiculously nerdy timewasting exercise (especially so soon after my shortcuts exercise), but dude it’s totally gonna be worth it!
On Sunday we decided to make some noodles, but my wife wanted to do something other than our usual 2 egg, 3 flour pasta. So we looked around online and found a pretty simple ratio on a Chinese website, 1 egg, 3 water, and 8 flour.
So we mixed up a 48g egg, with 152g water, and 400g flour, let it rest for an hour, and then rolled it out to the medium 5 setting and cut the noodles, cooked them and threw them in some soup. Most of the dough was used up that night, but the real revelation came last night after when we made noodles out of the remaining dough. The noodles from Sunday were good, but Monday dinner was extra springy with some bounce.
In the past we had tried storing leftover noodle dough for a couple nights in the fridge and it had gone bad, so these aren’t things you can let sit too long, but it seems that giving them an extra 24 hours works out very nicely.
I was listening to the Cortex podcast 75 and CGP Grey was excitedly selling the new feature Apple Shortcuts (previously called Workflows when it was an independent company). I have to admit his home screen looked pretty cool with all custom icons so I broke my personal rule of never downloading an OS until the .01 release and got iOS 12 as well as the separate Shortcuts app.
My work phone was the first one to emerge out of the exercise. Over the past couple years I’ve developed a basic layout with my Notes app in the top left corner and Maps in the top right corner. At my new job, I’ve adopted OneNote for this function because it plays well with Windows (duh), and this shortcut automatically asks for text input before opening the file. On the phone, I use the app primarily to quickly jot things down, so I believe this will be a much better flow (as does CGP Grey, who brought up the idea). At the top right, I can open up Google Maps, but it also has a few extra items on the menu, such as automatically giving pulling up directions to my next meeting appointment.
Next to OneNote are a couple ways to automate texting / email, and next to that is a couple ways to get into the web. The basic premise of these shortcuts are to ask for what you want to do, then ask for input, then open up the appropriate app with the information prefilled from the input.
The middle row starts with a speed dial for a lot of in-house numbers in the Division, including a couple ways to call home quickly. Next, all the apps have to live somewhere and this was pleasant a location for the folder. And finally, all the remaining icons are speed dials for each of my projects, including the Agency, Architects and Contractors. Because I am pretty religious about ignoring work related emails at home, I haven’t been using the work phone much, but I suspect this will completely change the game. It will now be way more convenient to pick up the cell and make a call than using the landline at the office.
The dock has Microsoft Outlook, which plays much nicer with our state Outlook server than Apple Mail. In the middle is the Calculator and Camera. Yeah I could swipe up, but I often find myself needing these items at a moments notice when convenience is at a premium. And finally the phone app, which is also a convenient way to get to my contacts. Unlike a lot of Internet personalities, my job is being the ultimate middleman, so I do use my phone a ton as a talking device.
My personal phone is also set up very similar at the top and bottom. In the dock, I’ve replaced email with my most used app, Overcast for podcasts. The top row has all the same functions, but each of the shortcut folders are a bit more complex since this phone is a true personal computer in a way the work device isn’t. For example, my Notes shortcut now ties into both OneNote for work as well as Apple notes for home.
The coolest thing I did this weekend is buried in the web shortcut with the venn-diagram. I programed a shortcut to let me take a photo, add a date stamp to it, and then open it up in Notes where I can dump it into a log for my boardgame playing (I have to believe that at some point Notes will let me just directly dump it into a preselected file and thus be completely automated). I also did a similar shortcut for text-only logging of my meals, but I might have to consider transitioning it an image log as well.
In the second row is my WordPress shortcuts, including a couple functions to directly take a photo and then open it up as a draft. Next is the app folder; I’ve combined all the apps in part to train myself to use the swipe and search function. And the last two are basically glorified folders for video entertainment, and music which also includes direct links to play several favorite albums, beyond opening up iTunes or Spotify.
The first couple items in the final row are quite aspirational. The first is for reading materials, which will be primarily populated with direct links to favorite books in iBooks once I figure out how how to do so with Siri Shortcuts. The second is reviving Apple Health from disuse; I’m hoping to use metrics as a way to motivate myself to be healthier. The third is currently a direct link to taking videos, but I am finding it redundant with the camera app, so it may be soon replaced with Toggl Timer shortcuts (if this next new productivity kick sticks). And finally, a bunch of autodial items for the phone.
In all, as promised by CGP Grey, this has been quite an interesting exercise to rethink how I relate to the phone in terms of actual actions instead of applications. With the older 6s, there is a touch of lag when the shortcut opens up the Shortcut app to then run its function. So it’s not perfectly seamless, but I believe the payoff may be worth it, though it’s much too early to tell if I won’t just revert to the previous paradigm.
This week, I read an article defending bread against all its current detractors. The claim was fiberless bread is the culprit for all our woes, and it recommended a minimum of 10% fiber relative to carbohydrates. I had already planned on skipping on the dried fruit this week, so I decided to add some whole wheat flour and crank up the flax seed meal and chia seeds, both of which are pretty heavy in fiber.
This morning, I still hadn’t gotten around to getting whole wheat flour so I started with a regular loaf and went heavy on the additives, but my wife went on a grocery run and picked some up, hence the odd 450g of flour this week. We also used up the last of our Arrowhead flour which is pretty thirsty, so I dropped the water ratio a little bit until I added the whole wheat which always soaks up a bit of water. According to my breadsheet, this gets me to 12.4% fiber.
400g all purpose flour (primarily King Arthur this time)
50g whole wheat flour
330g water
100g starter (the usual 50/50 mix)
10g salt
60g chia seeds, soaked in 90g water
60g flaxseed meal, soaked in 120g water
The mix and shape went well with the new SOP’s and the bread came out great. It’s a little flat as usual, but I suspect I need to get a larger dutch oven if I want it to rise a little more. You can see the flecks of whole wheat but at 10% its doesn’t affect the flavor or texture at all. I think the flaxseed is very, very oily which is why the crust is more akin to one of my enriched breads, but that’s just fine. As for the whole wheat I’m thinking about trying to get the ratio crazy high, but to do it in 10% increments so that when my wife says enough, I’ll know to stop. Next week will definitely be 20%.
Anyone with a sourdough starter needs a good backup plan for using it up without baking. The easy answers are to compost it or make pancakes.
This pancake recipe is a modified from what I found online, with sugar and baking soda way reduced, and simplified due to laziness.
±240g (1 cup) starter
1 egg
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon baking soda or baking powder, whatever you got.
The process is quite simple also. Preheat your skillet with butter, medium heat. Mix up all the ingredients real good. Drop in a couple spoonfuls of batter into the skillet. Flip after a minute or two. Flip again after a minute. Do it again. Makes three or four pancakes. Add butter and syrup. Eat.
If you look at the Michael Ruhlman’s ratio for pancakes, you’ll see that we’ve essentially backed into his formula. 2 flour : 2 water : 1 egg : 1/2 fat. The recipe above its 120g flour : 120g water : 50g egg : 28g olive oil.
However, don’t let the false exactness of the ratios confuse you, my recipe is very loose. If I have a bigger egg or less starter, it will just be little flatter. If you want it fluffier, add more baking soda. If you want to make a crepe, add a second egg and skip the baking powder. If you’re short on starter, just add equal parts flour and water and definitely throw in more baking powder.
Ultimately this recipe is all about burning up your leftover starter. This will be especially important if you get into the Chad Robertson’s Tartine method, where you refresh your starter a couple times before making the dough. I hate waste, so I usually skip the refresh (which is a polite way to say throw away most of the starter and feed the remainder) and just live with a slower rise and miss out on any smidgen of extra flavour profile I’d otherwise obtain.
But even then, I still occasionally need to burn up starter. Feeding the little fellow for another week’s hibernation is a doubling exercise, requiring at least an equal amount of fresh material. So if I have 100g of starter, I need to add 50g of flour and 50g of water. You can see where this will lead if left unchecked, and pancakes is our buffer.
And it’s also where my girl started cooking. So it’s sentimental too.