There was a certain frustration with this China trip because we managed to pick about three straight weeks of rain out of the four we were there. But then again, where could we really go with a 19 month old? Aside from maybe picking up some buns in the morning, our morning routine was a big pile of steamed yams and corn, which our daughter absolutely loved to eat.
new place (otp183)
The place itself wasn’t new per se, since it was in between a supermarket and TJ Maxx we frequent…but this was the first time we actually walked between the two places.
twisted (otp182)
I was surprised at how nice the light was with just a single desk lamp in that shot of my wife’s origami hobby.
On Boardgaming
I was asked on a photography forum to say a little more about the boardgaming hobby. Here was my response:
How do I start? Well, one could go to the website, but that place is UI disaster until you get used it (totally designed by engineers!)
The best way to describe modern boardgaming is that it is an outgrowth of a lot of European (especially German) boardgame design from the 90’s and 00’s. Key features include a limited time length, no player elimination, and controlled interaction. In a word, anti-Monopoly (especially Monopoly as with its common house rules).
The top standard of German family boardgaming is a prize called the Spiel Des Jahres (SDJ) and which judges games at a medium light weight level of complexity. Unfortunately the crowd in hobby sites (like Boardgamegeek) tends to favor niche stuff so their database rankings favor heavy complicated stuff (similar to how photographers lust over L glass even though most other humans would be more interested in the latest bedazzled iphone 6s case).
Even though I consider myself a “serious” boardgamer, I personally don’t enjoy complicated fare. I grok the joy of a good brain burning puzzle, but I prefer the elegance of a pared down game where the interaction is the emergent outgrowth of an carefully curated set of simple rules.
Modern classics for people looking to get into the hobby would be Settlers of Catan (the big hit kickstarted this whole eurogame trend), Carcassonne, and Ticket to Ride (which got me back into the boardgaming hobby after a decade long hiatus). I would also want to point out Pandemic and Hanabi which are both excellent cooperative games (where everyone plays together as a team to beat the game system).
stairs (otp180)
I tried some real stairs, but ended up going with this last one in the powder room with the little steps for the toddler to get up and wash her hands myself…but I think my favorite is this shot I got at the park.
pushing her stroller
Children’s Place, North Outlet Mall.
We ended up getting a pair of jeans that we later took with us to China.
stranger (otp179) again at M&F
one last #stranger. I went back to my watering hole, Makers and Finders, and met this nice lady, Cali. I used the uncharacteristic cold rain as an icebreaker and we had a short chat as she was getting her tea and waited for her breakfast before her scuba class at Lake Mead. She’s a singer, originally from Nashville (though born in Phoenix) and loves living out here in Vegas (and scuba diving in Maui). Everybody in this damn town is a transplant…and honestly everyone that isn’t should leave Vegas for a few years so they can be a transplant too!
I asked to take a photo of her and she cheerfully agreed to let me take a few shots. So yeah, over the course of the week…it gets easier with practice! I was a lot more comfortable asking for permission and taking the time to more carefully shoot the subject.
Unfortunately, I can’t say I’m psyched about the originals…which is disappointing since it was the exact same condition as I had with Johnny last week…and on Friday’s coffee shop visit I had experimented with some different things in preparation of this very opportunity. I considered not posting the photo, but I was inspired by +Benjamin B excellent portrait and experimented with pushing the exposure in post. The iphone doesn’t have the headroom like a RAW file, but I’m kind of finding it interesting now that I went way overboard with the curves.
This assignment has been a journey and I really appreciated taking it with with the OTP group. I took the first one only because I didn’t want to wimp out on Jeffery. As important as it was to cross that first hurdle, it was these last couple times that really have cemented my confidence in asking for permission to take portraits of strangers. And I certainly would not have tried these extra times without being pushed and prodded by seeing everyone else jumping past this challenge. Cheers!
stranger (otp179) at Ross
This follow up stranger was not as much about the conversation but pushing myself to ask for permission. In this case, we were hitting up Marshalls and Ross before going to Sam’s Club (big box heaven out here!). I kept procrastinating, but when my wife decided that we needed to head home instead of going to Sam’s Club, I realized it was now or never.
So before going to the checkout line I went ahead and asked Justin (as you can see I got it from his name tag) to let me take a few shots and he happily obliged. These loss prevention folks fill the role as greeter / pseudo security guard (I don’ think they have weapons), and he was friendly when we came in (he said hello to my toddler and smiled back when she grinned at him).
His coworkers gave him a little ribbing so I think we all got a kick out of it! And lucky for me too, cause he was a couple minutes away from ending his shift…he actually left the building before I did.
I took four shots, this was the only one that came out well. I had my 24mm manual lens on the camera and even though I had it stopped down to 5.6 the others all came out a bit fuzzy (though in all honesty, the other compositions were also god awful). In the future I will need to stop down more or just make sure to have my AF lens. When shooting dozens of shots of my daughter, AFing is not nearly as important as when you only get a few chances.