Apparently these guys were the ones who brought Tex-Mex to Houston. They were clearly not at their apex when I arrived. It was sad, but at least there was always someone at the restaurant.
They closed last April.
Apparently these guys were the ones who brought Tex-Mex to Houston. They were clearly not at their apex when I arrived. It was sad, but at least there was always someone at the restaurant.
They closed last April.
I love animals doing silly things. Or rather, things that look meaningless to us, especially when the moment is frozen in time and stripped of context.
Mr. Jones! At the House Rabbit Society. I’m not sure how he’s doing, but he eventually moved in with Han Yu. Her website is
I get the impression she’s hasn’t updated her site in a LONG time, but there’s some really nice drawings there.
Yeye’s green fridge with all the pictures on them. Its very wierd to me to think that the world that was crammed into 999 Beacon does not exist anymore.
This lighting is kind of spooky looking so its kind of fitting for a Friday the 13th. Its from his epson, so I’m not sure who took the photo, I doubt I did. I didn’t mess with any of the colors or anything….just came out orange from the camera I guess.
Interesting thoughts on the likability of Obama being a major political asset, especially as he is going through some serious fights these first days in office — worth reading for the quote at the end of the second paragraph.
The change in that mood is almost magical: In late October in the Journal-NBC poll, 12 percent of respondents believed things in the nation were “generally headed in the right direction,” while some 78 percent judged things were “off on the wrong track.” In the latest poll, completed on March 1 after four moths of worsening economic numbers, 41 percent of us now see things “headed in the right direction,” as opposed to 44 percent answering “off on the wrong track.”
What we do not yet know is whether Barack Obama is blessed with Ronald Reagan’s famous Teflon coating, which enabled him somehow to deflect blame for bad times or policy. Of the Gipper, political philosopher Dan Buck once noted: “If Ronald Reagan drove a convertible with the top down through a car wash, Jimmy Carter would get wet.”
What we do know is that voters today — just as they did with Reagan — like Obama more than they do his policies. And that’s good news for Democrats.
via Could Obama Be Another Gipper? by Mark Shields on – A Syndicate Of Talent.