starting today, ending tomorrow?
- Exercise first!
- No YouTube until the four dailies are done (Write, Sketch, Photo, Read)
- Play with the kids when they ask me to join them.
- No snacks until down to a proper weight.
starting today, ending tomorrow?
You adults have no imagination. Maybe he exists after all!
She threatened to write a letter to Santa.
It’s for his eyes only!
I couldn’t read it.
But then she’s eight.
Didn’t get around to it.
Or so I thought.
The morning after Christmas,
I found a folded piece of paper under computer,
She wrote it after all!
We guessed right.
She got everything but the candy canes.
Mama maybe forgot those on purpose.
hidden potential
Here’s the holiday greeting I sent to colleagues this afternoon. This was built as a stage for a local mental health facility. It’s now a mechanical room and the outdoor seating area has been fenced-in as a yard for the chiller.
That said, I’m fond of this alternative. I tried to convince my wife to let me send this version. However, we decided to keep playing it safe. As a government employee, there is no downside in being slightly boring and zero upside in taking any aesthetic risk.
I hope you are enjoying the end of this year, and all the best for the new one!
Black ink (Flair Pen) drawing in a steno pad. Friday Night Collaboration with with the kids. Colored in Pixlr.
What’s not to love?!
What’s a better Disney film?
As I grow up, my tastes regress.
Continue the trend and this will become my favorite movie!
(Though I can’t envision how it could dislodge Pom Poko.)
We watched it with her years ago.
No memories.
As I pulled up the movie, she was unimpressed by my excitement.
Then it started.
She LOL’ed throughout.
The boy watched intently.
During our dinner break, he smiled and proclaimed
That was a lot!
(But refused to elaborate.)
I’ll re-interrogate him on film criticism during breakfast.
Should we watch the sequels?
I’m a timid gambler.
I’d quit while I’m ahead.
But if the kids insist…
She jumped on a boulder.
He pointed at his sister.
“Statue of Liberty!”
She foisted an invisible torch.
He played by himself,
She made a new friend .
Vicky was her name,
He didn’t want to leave the park.
We fed birds at the pond,
The geese are big and slow,
Small ducks darted for the crumbs.
We escaped the descending onslaught of pigeons.
Our world opens up,
Our time grows shorter,
Crossing the river,
A fox wets her tail.
I tried to explain the Hegelian Dialectic.
First we start with a Thesis
I held up my left hand.
Then comes an Antithesis
I held up my right hand.
I clapped!
It becomes a synthesis.
You know what happens?
I held up my left hand.
The Synthesis becomes a new Thesis!
After three cycles of gesticulating, she looked at me.
That’s boring!
Oh yeah. What was the question again?
ocean sublimity
I slid under the table during lunch.
He exclaimed, Daddy’s disappearing!
He repeated it until his sister looked up from her bowl.
They laughed and slid under the table together.
Momma yelled at the three of us.
Time’s up, let’s go to sleep.
10 more minutes!
Ok, 10 more minutes.
Ask mommy if we have to go sleep right now!
I said we’re done. I make the rules around here too.
You’re not a parent!
Mommy said you’re a third child!
golden sled
silver screen
tardy slumber
Beautiful music video! A gorgeous meld of music, setting, and dance.
I love it when the team does something interesting. Especially when they avoid the tired party scenes that dominate the EDM space.
This was the Post that started my #MondayNightMusic hashtag. We’ll see how long I keep it up.
He held up a cashew
(What do you call this?)
It’s called a cashew.
(In chinese?)
Mama thought for a moment.
(This is called yāoguǒ)
(Mama, I want a cashew!)
She gave him one
He wanted another
He took the three cashews and placed them on his empty plate.
A little smile with squinty eyes.
subterranean springs
support multitudes
salutary or sinister?