He reads his Bob Book.
Sounding each short word.
This won’t last long.
Savor the moment.
But the mind rushes away.
To the siren song of the pocket computer.
And its infinite digital worlds.
it furthers one to accomplish great deeds
He reads his Bob Book.
Sounding each short word.
This won’t last long.
Savor the moment.
But the mind rushes away.
To the siren song of the pocket computer.
And its infinite digital worlds.
it furthers one to accomplish great deeds
The Wisdom of Solomon might be a fine devotional for a believer. It’s chock full of paeans to wisdom defined as the faithful adherence to God,
But there’s nothing else.
As a former Christian, I view the religion from both the inside and the outside. My parents still practice, but my house is very much non-devout.
Growing up, Bible stories felt as real as other historical stories. But try explaining Bible stories to someone who wasn’t indoctrinated from birth. Last Christmas, I told the gospel story to my daughter. It was fantastical. I’m certain she’ll have a similar look on her face if I ever recount Greek myths.
This is my one regret from forsaking religion. I wonder if my kids will miss out on the allusions buried throughout western literature. For that alone, it may be worth an extensive study of the classics, including the Bible — but don’t start here.
I fully endorse the exclusion of this book from the Protestant canon. I started focused but only skimmed the second half while watching the kids jump on their bed.
After stumbling across the gem of the Havamal last year, I printed out the wisdom literature in the Apocrypha. After this read, the other books have remained untouched.
Step Ladder.
He’s old enough to pair the two.
He was scared at first.
Then he took to it.
“Fun of the high!”
“Fun of the high!”
“Fun of the high!”
the sun rises over the earth
the image of progress
I sketched her reading book.
She added a caption.
Bad, Bad, Bad,
Bad, Bad,
for the provision of nourishment
brings good fortune
spying about with sharp eyes
Three of us in the twilight.
A triangle connected by a dimpled orange ball.
They laughed and laughed, each time he dropped it.
a shoal of fishes
He interrupted our conversation.
We didn’t stop immediately, so he threw a tantrum.
A miniature dinner maelstrom.
difficulties pile up
horse and wagon part
I met a friend on the Strip.
June favored us with cloud cover.
Chatted out at the MGM Park.
Two old boys, a long way from Cal, a short skip from 2000.
not going out of the gate and courtyard
The ROI is nil.
An activity that I eat.
More often frustrating than triumphant.
Even with my mediocre standards.
These aren’t winners.
But it’s what I do.
Flour, water, salt.
furthering through perseverance
The pork wrap was too salty.
Oversalted the meat, or maybe from the tofu skin.
(Still ok when mixed with rice.)
He finished the ground pork.
Then held up a spoonful of the eggplant mash.
This is too salty!
it must be checked with a brake of bronze
My wife made cardboard easels.
Bought a set of oil pastels.
Arranged two apples on a blanket.
And let the kids loose.
They loved the brilliant colors.
Smudged and spread the pigment.
He sucked on his vibrant fingers.
Mommy let loose.
ten pairs of tortoises cannot oppose it