This time last year, there was a magical moment on Post.news as people escaped the chaos of the recently acquired Twitter.
It was a wonderful holiday season as we enjoyed and explored each others’ art. I rediscovered my drawing hand, which had atrophied from decades of fear. They encouraged me to keep exploring poetry. Post freed me to make bad art, which might not sound special, but it’s eons ahead of doing nothing.
I’m not sure what went wrong (maybe their focus on news and opinion?) but the magic dissipated in the early months of the new year. I miss those folks, but most of them have also moved on, and I don’t have time to be online everywhere.
Fortunately Substack stepped in to fill the void. This community has been generous with encouragement and relentlessly inspiring with the endless publishing of amazing work. It’s a place to stretch and play.
When I joined Post last Thanksgiving, I took a photo of our freshly reinstalled Christmas tree to be the banner image of my user account (it’s still there). This morning, that tree is back up as we enter into another holiday season.
What will the new year bring? Who knows. Maybe I’ll actually bang out some good art. Whatever’s. I’ll settle for sharing more bad art. A second year of making would be an accomplishment in this topsy-turvy world.
In the meantime, thanks for the company; let’s hope this party lasts a bit longer.